Monday, July 24, 2006

Hi again!

hello everybody! one year has already gone from the trip in canada and we are about to leave for a new adventure on the road. the backpack is ready and the flight is booked. x day will be friday the 28th, so stay tuned and probably on saturday you will know where the stage 2006 will be...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

mi fa fatica scriverti in Inglese... e tra l'altro la tentazione di dire "IO LO SO DOVE STAI ANDANDO" e' veramente forte.....

Un saluto dalla torrida Tirana (in attesa di commenti seri)!


10:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.....bè, questo commento di manf mi sembra proprio cattivo, cattivo......e poi, parla lui!!!!!

3:11 PM  

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